Welcome to the City of McMinnville Community Development Department.

The Community Development Department provides one-stop services for all planning, building and property maintenance activity within the City of McMinnville. 

Services provided include enforcement of building codes, issuing of building permits, zoning regulation, and enforcement of construction standards. 

The department is also responsible for current and long-range planning, geographic information systems (GIS), mapping, code compliance and administration of McMinnville’s Stormwater (MS4) and Floodplain Management programs.

Community Development review includes looking at both how land is used and how buildings are built. Planners compare how the land is used with the zoning code while building plan reviewers and engineers compare how buildings are built with the building codes. There are additional partners in the development review process who look at how roads, sewers, fire safety, water supply and stormwater are affected by your project. There are many different land use requirements and permit types.

The Community Development Department and our partners work together to review your project proposals for development in McMinnville.  


  • Promote the orderly growth, development and improvement of the city through development review and land use planning and regulations
  • Promote safety, livability and economic vitality through efficient and collaborative application of building and development codes
  • Safeguard public health, property and welfare by regulating the planning, construction and use of land and structures within the City of McMinnville

To meet the needs of our community, we pursue the following goals:

  • Support community vitality and protect life, property, and natural resources by promoting compliance with applicable codes and regulations
  • Provide cooperative and responsive internal and external customer service
  • Process all Department functions efficiently
  • Create a collaborative workplace that promotes mutual respect through trust, fairness and open communication
  • Support continual professional growth of the workforce and organization through education, technology and diversity


  • Dedication to serving the public
  • Pride in our work
  • Care for the long-term viability of our community
  • Recognition of worth, quality and importance of each employee and member of the community
  • Support of continual learning, education and innovation   

City of McMinnville
Community Development Department
101 East Main St/P.O. Box 7088
McMinnville, TN 37111